Opening hours
Monday to Thursday, 10am to 3pm

How do I appeal a decision by Barsilsskipanin?

You can appeal a decision that Barsilsskipanin made in your case. You can do this by sending a letter to Føroya Kærustovn. You must appeal within four weeks of receiving the decision. 

Send the letter by post to: 
Føroya Kærustovnur
undir Hornabakka
Postboks 45
110 Tórshavn

or by e-mail to:

Learn more about appealing

The link on the right titled "Føroya Kærustovnur" will take you to an external site where you can read more about the board of appeals. However, please note that this site is in Faroese. 

Decisions previously made by Føroya Kærustovni

Previous decisions made by Føroya Kærustovni can be viewed on their website. See the link on the right titled "Avgerðasavn hjá Føroya Kærustovni". The website is in Faroese. 


Call our customer service on 35 26 00 Monday to Thursday from 10am to 3pm or send an e-mail to We are happy to help.