Opening hours
Monday to Thursday, 10am to 3pm

Who should apply?

You may be entitled to salary from your employer during your paternity leave. Trade union agreements usually specify whether you are entitled to salary for the entirety of the leave, for some of the leave or not at all. This determines who is responsible for sending the application to Barsilsskipanin. See below.

  • If your employer pays your salary for the entirety of your paternity leave, you should not make an application at all. The employer does this.
  • If your employer pays your salary for a part of your paternity leave, you should apply for paternity allowance for the period when you are not paid.
  • If you do not get paid from your employer during your paternity leave, you should apply for paternity allowance for the entirety of your leave.
Current trade union agreements

See the current trade union agreements on the websites of Føroya Arbeiðsgevarafelag, Fíggjarmálaráðið and Kommunala Arbeiðsgevarafelagið in the links to the right.

Not certain?

If you are uncertain about what your contract says about paternity pay or if you don't know who is responsible for applying, you must ask your employer or your trade union. Barsilsskipanin does not advise on these matters.